
American Heart Association


Final ID: MDP988

Sociodemographic Trends in Diabetes Medications after Metformin: the BESTMED (oBservational Evaluation of Second line Therapy MEdications in Diabetes) Study

Abstract Body (Do not enter title and authors here): Objective: Though updated American Diabetes Association (ADA) guidelines recommend initiating GLP1 receptor agonists (GLP1) or SGLT2 inhibitors (SGLT2i) for persons with type 2 diabetes mellitus (PWT2DM) with high CV risk, metformin was previously recommended as 1st-line treatment. For PWT2DM at moderate CV risk, it is unknown which 2nd-line drug optimizes CV outcomes. Our multicenter observational study describes US-wide trends in 2nd-line T2DM medication use (DPP4 inhibitors [DPP4i], GLP1s, SGLT2i and sulfonylureas [SU]) overall and in key sociodemographic subgroups between 2014-2023.

Methods: This is a secondary analysis of the oBservational Evaluation of Second line Therapy Medications in Diabetes (BESTMED) study, which used a new-user design to evaluate associations between 2nd-line medications and CV events in PWT2DM at moderate CV risk. The database comprised EHRs and insurance claims for 75,224 PWT2DM from 10 health systems and 2 insurance plans on metformin who initiated a 2nd medication from 1/2013 to 1/2023. Data were obtained from orders or prescription fills. Prescription class was regressed on calendar time via multinomial logistic regression to model trends in prescribing patterns, adjusted for sociodemographic variables. Subgroup analyses were performed by adjustment factors; CIs and p-values for differences were calculated via nonparametric bootstrap (B=200). Due to large sample size, statistical significance was interpreted at p<0.05 and annual rate of change >0.5%.

Results: We included 75,224 T2DM adults (median A1c 7.8%), of whom 18%,17%, 18%, and 47% initiated DPP4i, GLP1, SGLT2i, SU respectively. From 2014 - 2023, SGLT2i and GLP1 increased: 5.7 to 28.8%, and 3.5 to 30.3%, and DPP4i and SUs decreased: 25.3 to 11.6%, and 65.6 to 29.3%, respectively. Annual rate of change for SGLT2i was higher in men(3.0% vs 2.1%/year; p<0.001) and in >65 y (3.0% vs 2.4%; p<0.001), and for GLP1s was higher in those <65 y (3.6% vs 2.1%; p<0.001), women (3.5% vs 2.5%; p<0.001), Hispanic ethnicity (3.2% vs 2.7%; p=0.005), and with class II/III obesity (4.1% versus 2.6% per year; p<0.001). There was no evidence that these trends differed by race, insurance, or SDI.

Conclusion:In this nationwide study of prescribing patterns PWT2DM at moderate CV risk, prevalences of 2nd-line T2DM therapies are approaching current ADA guidelines for initial therapy for those at high CV risk. Differences between sociodemographic groups appear aligned with clinical expectations.
  • Lansang, Maria  ( Cleveland Clinic , Cleveland , Ohio , United States )
  • Goel, Satyender  ( Medical Outcomes Management , Sharon , Massachusetts , United States )
  • Kaul, Alan  ( Medical Outcomes Management , Sharon , Massachusetts , United States )
  • Turchin, Alexander  ( Brigham and Women's Hospital , Boston , Massachusetts , United States )
  • Petito, Lucia  ( Northwestern University , Chicago , Illinois , United States )
  • Chelliah, Indhumathy  ( Brigham and Women's Hospital , Boston , Massachusetts , United States )
  • Hegermiller, Emma  ( Brigham and Women's Hospital , Boston , Massachusetts , United States )
  • Carnahan, Ryan  ( The University of Iowa , Iowa City , Iowa , United States )
  • Mcdonnell, Marie  ( Brigham and Women's Hospital , Boston , Massachusetts , United States )
  • Sylwestrzak, Gosia  ( Humana , Garnet Valley , Pennsylvania , United States )
  • Priest, Elisa  ( Baylor Scott and White Research Institute , Dallas , Texas , United States )
  • Wiley, Vincent  ( Carelon , Wilmington , Delaware , United States )
  • Author Disclosures:
    Maria Lansang: DO have relevant financial relationships ; Research Funding (PI or named investigator):Abbott:Active (exists now) ; Research Funding (PI or named investigator):Xeris:Active (exists now) ; Research Funding (PI or named investigator):Dexcom:Active (exists now) | Satyender Goel: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Alan Kaul: No Answer | Alexander Turchin: DO have relevant financial relationships ; Consultant:Novo Nordisk:Active (exists now) ; Research Funding (PI or named investigator):Novo Nordisk:Past (completed) ; Research Funding (PI or named investigator):Eli Lilly:Active (exists now) ; Consultant:Proteomics International:Active (exists now) | Lucia Petito: DO have relevant financial relationships ; Research Funding (PI or named investigator):Omron Healthcare Co., Ltd.:Active (exists now) | Indhumathy Chelliah: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Emma Hegermiller: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Ryan Carnahan: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Marie McDonnell: No Answer | Gosia Sylwestrzak: No Answer | Elisa Priest: DO have relevant financial relationships ; Research Funding (PI or named investigator):Boehringer ingelheim:Active (exists now) ; Research Funding (PI or named investigator):Astra Zeneca:Active (exists now) ; Research Funding (PI or named investigator):Owkin:Active (exists now) | Vincent Wiley: No Answer
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Scientific Sessions 2024


Chicago, Illinois

Session Info:

New Frontiers for Optimizing Cardiometabolic Outcomes

Sunday, 11/17/2024 , 03:15PM - 04:20PM

Moderated Digital Poster Session

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