Lipoprotein(a) Levels in Premature Versus Non-Premature Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease: The Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) Study
Belanger Matthew, Ballantyne Christie, Coresh Joseph, Ndumele Chiadi, Grant Jelani, Zhang Sui, Martin Seth, Matsushita Kunihiro, Virani Salim, Blumenthal Roger, Hoogeveen Ron, Boerwinkle Eric
Predictors of Cardiovascular-Kidney-Metabolic (CKM) Syndrome Progression Among Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) Study Participants
Belanger Matthew, Coresh Joseph, Ndumele Chiadi, Ozkan Bige, Zhang Sui, Nambi Vijay, Rangaswami Janani, Echouffo Justin, Blumenthal Roger, Ballantyne Christie, Khan Sadiya