Incidence of Necrotizing Enterocolitis (NEC) in Infants with Congenital Heart Disease on the Acute Care Cardiology Unit (ACCU): A Report from the Pediatric Acute Care Cardiology Collaborative (PAC3)
Duncan Rachel, Tierney Jenifer, Williams Suzanne, Weiner Jeffrey, Patel Sonali, Marcuccio Elisa, Harahsheh Ashraf, Favilla Emmanuelle, L'italien Kaitlin, Sagiv Eyal, Strohacker Courtney, Schiller Amy
Prediction of Thrombosis in Coronary Artery Aneurysms Following Kawasaki Disease Using a Deep Learning Survival Approach
Manlhiot Cedric, Raghuveer Geetha, Harris Kevin, Norozi Kambiz, Giglia Therese, Lang Sean, Mawad Wadi, Mccrindle Brian, Dionne Audrey, Portman Michael, Dahdah Nagib, Carr Michael, Khare Manaswitha, Harahsheh Ashraf, Tierney Seda, Khoury Michael