
American Heart Association


Final ID:

Coronary Crossroads: Navigating the Maze of A 65 year old Patient with Chronic Stable Coronary Disease in European vs. North American Guidelines

  • Mehran, Roxana  ( ICAHN SCHOOL OF MEDICINE MT SINAI , New York , New York , United States )
  • Malaisrie, S. Christopher  ( Northwestern , Chicago , Illinois , United States )
  • Bakaeen, Faisal  ( Cleveland Clinic Foundation , Cleveland , Ohio , United States )
  • Casadei, Barbara  ( UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD , Oxford , United Kingdom )
  • Sabik, Joseph  ( University of Hospital , Cleveland , Ohio , United States )
  • Ruel, Marc  ( UNIVERSITY OTTAWA HEART INSTITUTE , Ottawa , Ontario , Canada )
  • Lawton, Jennifer  ( Johns Hopkins , Baltimore , Maryland , United States )
  • Newby, L. Kristin  ( Duke , Durham , North Carolina , United States )
  • Johnson, Heather  ( Boca Raton Regional-Baptist Health , Boca Raton , Florida , United States )
  • Tamis-holland, Jacqueline  ( The Cleveland Clinic , Cleveland , Ohio , United States )
  • Author Disclosures:
    ROXANA MEHRAN: DO have relevant financial relationships ; Consultant:Abbott, Affluent Medical, Alleviant Medical, Amgen, AstraZeneca, BAIM, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston Scientific, Bristol-Myers Squibb, CardiaWave, CERC, Chiesi, Concept Medical, Daiichi Sankyo, Duke, Faraday, Idorsia, Janssen, MedAlliance, Medscape, Mediasphere, Medtelligence, Medtronic, Novartis, OrbusNeich, Pi-Cardia, Protembis, RM Global Bioaccess Fund Management, Sanofi:Active (exists now) ; Advisor:AMA - JAMA Cardiology (Associate Editor), ACC (BOT Member, SC Member CTR Program):Active (exists now) ; Other (please indicate in the box next to the company name):SCAI (Women in Innovations Committee Member), Faculty CRF, Women as One:Active (exists now) ; Individual Stocks/Stock Options:Elixir Medical, Stel, ControlRad (spouse):Active (exists now) ; Speaker:Affluent Medical, Boehringer Ingelheim, Chiesi USA, Cordis, Esperion Science/Innovative Biopharma, Gaffney Events, Educational Trust, Global Clinical Trial Partners, Ltd., IQVIA, Medscape/WebMD Global, NovoNordisk, PeerView Institute for Medical Education, TERUMO Europe N.V., Radcliffe:Active (exists now) | S. Christopher Malaisrie: No Answer | Faisal Bakaeen: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Barbara Casadei: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | joseph sabik: No Answer | Marc Ruel: DO have relevant financial relationships ; Consultant:Medtronic:Active (exists now) | Jennifer Lawton: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | L. Kristin Newby: DO have relevant financial relationships ; Research Funding (PI or named investigator):Roche Diagnostics:Active (exists now) ; Research Funding (PI or named investigator):BioKier:Past (completed) ; Other (please indicate in the box next to the company name):Astra-Zeneca Healthcare Foundation BOT:Active (exists now) ; Other (please indicate in the box next to the company name):NHLBI BEE; MESA OSMB:Active (exists now) ; Research Funding (PI or named investigator):NIH:Active (exists now) ; Research Funding (PI or named investigator):Boehringer Ingelheim:Active (exists now) ; Consultant:Medtronic:Active (exists now) ; Research Funding (PI or named investigator):Medtronic:Active (exists now) | Heather Johnson: DO have relevant financial relationships ; Consultant:Esperion Therapeutics:Active (exists now) ; Advisor:Amgen:Active (exists now) ; Advisor:Medtronic:Active (exists now) ; Speaker:Esperion:Active (exists now) ; Consultant:Novartis:Active (exists now) | Jacqueline Tamis-Holland: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships
Meeting Info:

Scientific Sessions 2024


Chicago, Illinois

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